Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tips: Backup Phone's Addressboook Online

If your phone supports SyncML you can use any of the online Sync Service to make a backup of your phone's address book, emails, SMS and other contents. There are a decent number of these type of service providers out there. Both paid and free.

Currently I am using myFunambol which is a free service based on Funambol open source software. Though its still in its beta state, its ease of use and features really impressed me. With its help you can keep your phone and outlook contacts in tune all the time.

Here is a screen-shot of the login page. After registration, you will go through some well guided wizards that will help you to set-up your phone with Funambol in no time.

Some other good sync service are GSMSync and Scheduleworld. Both of them are also free service. Scheduleworld can also integrate with Google calender.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Nokia 3110c iSync plug-in: Part 1

Here is an iSync plug-in that I have made for my Nokia 3110c.

You can download it form here.

Just unzip the file and paste it inside /Applications/

I made this plug-in by editing Nokia 6102's existing plug-in. So you will need to delete Nokia-6102.phoneplugin file before pasting this file into that folder, because it conflicts with that phones plugin.

I am trying to build one from scratch, hope to finish that soon.

Here you can see the working status of this plug-in.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

EDGE/GPRS in Leopard

Here I'm going to show you how I configured my Nokia 3110c Phone as a EDGE modem with my MacBook in Leopard (10.5.2).

Go to System Preferences > Network. Click on the Bluetooth section, initially it will be empty.
Select Setup Bluetooth Devices. In the new window, select Set Up New Devices.

In th Device type, select Mobile phone.

Bluetooth Setup Assistant will try to find your mobile phone, be sure to turn on Bluetooth on your mobile phone too. After your phone gets detected, select it and press continue.

Insert the paring key in your mobile phone.

Be sure to check the two boxes in the next section.

Now comes the modem setup for your phone. I chose Nokia from Phone Vendor, and GPRS from Phone Model, and in the APN section gpinternet. You can put any username and password in their respected field. Check all the other options as described in the picture.

If everything goes well, you should be seeing a new entry in Bluetooth section in System Preferences.

Now we go back to Network section and again select Bluetooth from the left pane. In the Telephone Number field put *99***#. And provide the previous Account name and password. After clicking on the apply button, just click on connect and keep your fingers crossed.

It won't take more than a couple of seconds to establish a connection. You should see Status: Connected by now.

You can connect to this EDGE/GPRS modem from the menu bar directly from now on. Just Click on the Phone Icon in the menu bar and then click connect.

Back to Blogging

After a failed attempt last year to get back to blogging, I'm trying it again this year. I really wanted to get back, but got busy will...