This is a perl script i created as a test to write data and audio (creates audio cds) files 2 cd writer. This is a simple script that uses cdrecord's engine.
The main attraction of the script is that it supports 'digital mastering', a feature long been used by audio cd manufactures. This is really a hidden feature of cdrecord, but many people does not know about it. In order to use the feature, your burner must support it, of course. To my knowledge, only Yamaha's writers support this feature currnetly; but i believe most other manufactures will incorporate this feature into their burners soon.
I have created two versions of the script: burnitup_norm and burnitup_ultra. the norm version first creates an image in the current folder and then burns the image thus proving you an opportunity to reuse the image (.iso) file. On the other hand the ultra version writes to cd from source folder, does not created any image or tempory file. Use this one if you dont have enough extra space in your hard drives.
[Note: 1. You have 2 call the script with '-burn' switch to write 2 the cd, otherwise it wont write anything, just do a simulation. This is a safety feature.
2. The ultra version has some minor gliches, (it needs you to manually input track size in sao mode) i'll automate that part when i have free time.
3. Currently it can write only one track per session.
source code of
#code starts here
#use to get options
use Getopt::Long;
#specify your default options here
$device_default = "/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd"; #my cd writer's id
$mode_default = "tao"; #default writing mode
$driveropts_default = "burnfree"; #default driver options
$type_dafault = "data"; #default cd type
#end of default settings
#specify the options
GetOptions( "help" => \$help,
"master" => \$master,
"mode=s" => \$mode,
"speed=i" => \$speed,
"type=s" => \$type,
"source=s" => \$source,
"multi" => \$multi,
"tracksize=s" => \$tracksize,
"burn" => \$burn,
"device=s" => \$device);
if ($help){
print "Welcome to burnig world with Burn It Up\n";
print "\n";
print "You should specify these options:\n";
print "--help :shows this help\n";
print "--device :specify the cd-recorder eg /dev/hdc\n";
print "--mode :this can be tao(track at once, sao(disk\n";
print " at once) or raw96r\n";
print " Note: choose sao for digital mastering\n";
print "--master :use digital mastering\n";
print " Note: 700mb cd becomes 595mb\n";
print "--speed :set writing speed 1-50\n";
print "--type :this is either data or audio\n";
print "--source :the path of the source dir\n";
print "--multi :choose if you want to create a multisession disk\n";
print "--tracksize :needed for sao(disk at once) mode.\n";
print "--burn :this will really burn the cd otherwise, it writes\n";
print " in simulation(dummy) mode.\n";
if($device eq ""){
$device = $device_default;
if ($source eq ""){
print "Burn It Up: No sourec dir specied. Please enter the source dir path\n";
if ($speed == 0){
print "Burn It Up: No writing speed specified. Please specify the wrinting speed 1-48x\n";
if ($mode eq ""){
$mode = $mode_default;
print "Burn It Up: No writing mode specified. Using primarily tao mode.\n";
if ($master){
$driveropts = "burnfree,audiomaster";
$mode = "sao";
print "Burn It Up: Digital mastering enabled. Switching to sao mode.\n";
$driveropts = $driveropts_default;
if ($mode eq "sao"){
print "Burn it up: You must specify the track size using the --tracksize paramater.\n";
print " You can retrive the tracksize value from below:\n";
print " write as this --tracksize XXXXs\n";
$status = system("mkisofs -R -J -q -print-size $source");
$tsize = "tsize=$tracksize";
$tsize = "";
if ($type eq ""){
print "Burn It Up: No cd type specified. Writing data cd.\n";
$type = $type_dafault;
if ($multi){
$opt1 = "-multi";
$opt1 = "";
if ($burn){
$dummy = "";
$dummy = "-dummy";
$status = system("rm -f temp.iso && mkisofs -r -R -J -o temp.iso $source && cdrecord -v -$mode $dummy $opt1 speed=$speed driveropts=$driveropts dev=$device -$type $tsize temp.iso && rm -f temp.iso");
die "Writing CD failed. cdrecord exited with Status Code $?" unless $status == 0;
#code ends here
source code of
#code starts here:
#use to get options
use Getopt::Long;
#specify your default options here
$device_default = "/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd"; #my cd writer's id
$mode_default = "tao"; #default writing mode
$driveropts_default = "burnfree"; #default driver options
$type_dafault = "data"; #default cd type
#end of default settings
#specify the options
GetOptions( "help" => \$help,
"master" => \$master,
"mode=s" => \$mode,
"speed=i" => \$speed,
"type=s" => \$type,
"source=s" => \$source,
"multi" => \$multi,
"tracksize=s" => \$tracksize,
"burn" => \$burn,
"device=s" => \$device);
if ($help){
print "Welcome to burnig world with Burn It Up\n";
print "\n";
print "You should specify these options:\n";
print "--help :shows this help\n";
print "--device :specify the cd-recorder eg /dev/hdc\n";
print "--mode :this can be tao(track at once, sao(disk\n";
print " at once) or raw96r\n";
print " Note: choose sao for digital mastering\n";
print "--master :use digital mastering\n";
print " Note: 700mb cd becomes 595mb\n";
print "--speed :set writing speed 1-50\n";
print "--type :this is either data or audio\n";
print "--source :the path of the source dir\n";
print "--multi :choose if you want to create a multisession disk\n";
print "--tracksize :needed for sao(disk at once) mode.\n";
print "--burn :this will really burn the cd otherwise, it writes\n";
print " in simulation(dummy) mode.\n";
if($device eq ""){
$device = $device_default;
if ($source eq ""){
print "Burn It Up: No sourec dir specied. Please enter the source dir path\n";
if ($speed == 0){
print "Burn It Up: No writing speed specified. Please specify the wrinting speed 1-48x\n";
if ($mode eq ""){
$mode = $mode_default;
print "Burn It Up: No writing mode specified. Using primarily tao mode.\n";
if ($master){
$driveropts = "burnfree,audiomaster";
$mode = "sao";
print "Burn It Up: Digital mastering enabled. Switching to sao mode.\n";
$driveropts = $driveropts_default;
if ($mode eq "sao"){
print "Burn it up: You must specify the track size using the --tracksize paramater.\n";
print " You can retrive the tracksize value from below:\n";
print " write as this --tracksize XXXXs\n";
$status = system("mkisofs -R -J -q -print-size $source");
$tsize = "tsize=$tracksize";
$tsize = "";
if ($type eq ""){
print "Burn It Up: No cd type specified. Writing data cd.\n";
$type = $type_dafault;
if ($multi){
$opt1 = "-multi";
$opt1 = "";
if ($burn){
$dummy = "";
$dummy = "-dummy";
$status = system("mkisofs -r -R -J $source | cdrecord -v -$mode $dummy $opt1 speed=$speed driveropts=$driveropts dev=$device -$type $tsize -");
die "Writing CD failed. cdrecord exited with Status Code $?" unless $status == 0;
#code ends here
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