Thursday, February 01, 2007

Qemu with accelerated module

"QEMU is a fast processor emulator: currently the package supports arm, powerpc, sparc and x86 emulation. By using dynamic translation it achieves reasonable speed while being easy to port on new host CPUs."

To get the best performance outta qemu, it neeeds to be run with kqemu accelerator. Here is a short how-to to achive that.

#apt-get install qemu qemu-launcher qemuctl
#apt-get install kqemu-source

U also need 2 have your kernel header files installed properly. And we shall also need module-assistant

#apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`module-assistant

Now comes the module building work:
#m-a prepare; m-a update; m-a a-i kqemu #depmod -a
Reboot ur pc. Then #lsmod, if u dont see something like 'kqemu' then #modprobe kqemu.

Now we can run qemu with the help of qemu-launcher. In qemu-launcher's interface dont forget to check on Full for the acceleration option in the Emulator tab. Otherwise we won't get the speed we are looking for.

Well, here is a screenshot of my Sid running Window XP SP1 with qemu.

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