Friday, July 18, 2008

Mission: Recover Disk Space: Part 1

This was getting more and more annoying day by day. My hard drive was getting full day by day as i kept installing new apps but somehow the rate of hard drive usage wasn’t matching the applications installed. Something was wrong and something need to be done.

I installed OmniDiskSweeper and gave it run. I noted a folder called /cores which was taking a whooping 5.4Gigs. Suspicious, I looked it up and came to know that this is the folder where my Leopard keeps its memory dump files after any system crash for debugging purposes. Since it didn’t concern me, I just safely deleted these annoying core.xxxxx files to reclaim my precious 5.4 Gigs.

So if you are also running out of space, don’t forget to check that folder.

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After a failed attempt last year to get back to blogging, I'm trying it again this year. I really wanted to get back, but got busy will...